Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has a prolonged reputation for its effectiveness in assisting women during pregnancy and birth.

Pregnancy brings many physical, emotional and hormonal changes to the body. It is widely believed that the mother and the baby know what is best in their process for a successful pregnancy, labour and delivery. Complementing traditional methods of prenatal care with CST may prevent the need for more invasive techniques at the time of delivery.

As changes take place in the mother’s body, this gentle treatment may assist in addressing the following, as well as giving the expectant mum a much needed chance for deep relaxation.

• Stress and tension related issues
• Fatigue and emotional difficulties

• Chronic neck. back and joint pain
• Headaches and migraines

Research has shown that CST treatment during delivery has assisted in the birth process. Mothers experience less pain and both mother and baby are more relaxed. Long births may shorten, leading to less need for more invasive procedures. It is most beneficial to receive CST treatments both prior to and during labour and delivery.



Newborn Babies

Even the most natural birth can place tension on a newborn baby’s nervous system. During labour a newborn leaves the familiar, warm, safe and secure environment in utero and enters a bright, noisy and unfamiliar world. Sometimes it is necessary for intervention, whether it is assistance with forceps, ventouse (vacuum extraction), or a cesarean birth. These interventions may contribute to tension patterns within the newborn. If the birth is difficult CST is recommended to assist both the mother and baby recover and thrive in their new life together.

Many parents choose to introduce CST to their newborns not long after birth for a Cranial checkup.  This is a wise move that may often nip issues in the bud. Some parents may choose to wait until symptoms develop.

Some common newborn issues that treatments may assist with are

  • Reflux/colic

  • Feeding issues

  • Unsettled sleeps

  • General discontent

A CST session and Cranial checkup is recommended for every newborn baby, ideally within the first 2 months of life, though it is never too late. Don’t wait for symptoms to arise.